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Since we are in a country where legal procedures develop easily, let's have some kind of disclaimer:

We try our best to keep this site up to date. The links displayed and tips given on this site are correct to the best knowledge of the authors. However the authors take no responsibility for inaccurate information given on the entire Swiss-List web site and take no responsibility for any action resulting from the use of this site's material. It is the sole responsibility of the user to check the information displayed on this site (or on the linked sites) and to make appropriate use of it.

For foreign trainees (e.g., Swiss post-doc), a very useful and reliable source of information is the local foreign visitor adviser (e.g., the Service for International Scholars in UC Berkeley and the Office of Foreign Scholar Services in Stanford).

Web Master, last update: Tuesday, 09-Apr-2002 15:25:56 UTC.
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