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swiss-list: federal taxes: disadvantage of filing as a resident?

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swiss-list: federal taxes: disadvantage of filing as a resident?

From: Stefan Marti <click for textversion of email address >
Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 16:45:42 -0400 (EDT)
Status: RO

hi everybody,

i am a 2nd year grad student and RA at MIT, and i have the following
question: everybody seems to try to be a non-resident for federal tax
purposes (substantial presence test, 5-year exemption to it, etc.). i
could be considered as a non-resident (and that's indeed what i filed for
last year). however, if i would file as a resident instead of a
non-resident, i would pay much less taxes (in the range of 500$ less).
is there a DISADVANTAGE of being considered as a USA resident for federal
tax purposes?
thanks a lot!

Stefan J.W. Marti
M.I.T. - The Media Laboratory - Speech Interfaces

office: phone (617) 253-8026, fax (617) 258-9165
20 Ames Street, E15-352, Cambridge, MA 01239-4307

home: phone and fax (617) 547-9979
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