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Those are really good question, unfortunately I do not have an answer. I have
been wondering about the same thing, so if anybody has something to share please
reply to the list also. What about IRAs.
I had done the reverse ... Converting a Swiss pension fund into cash here with
no trouble but then it was just spare change.
-----Original Message-----
From: Olaf Koch <olaf_at_forte.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 1999 12:02 PM
To: swiss-list_at_lists.stanford.edu
Subject: swiss-list: 401K
Hello Everybody,
I have some questions regarding US retirement. And more specific about 401K
and 403.
I did some research on the Web and at amazon.com but so far the results are
So if someone has answers to the following questions or hints/links where
I find more information that would be greatly appreciated.
- Is it possible to transfer 401K to a Swiss pension system
- Is it possible get a loan on the 401K for a house outside the US
(Switzerland for example)
I know it is mostly common to get a partial loan for US.
- What happens to your 401K if you leave the company.
How do you maintain it after leaving US.
Are there any restriction which fonds you can invest in after you are
back in Switzerland.
- Tax issues. Can anyone recommend a book here (should possibly have some
alien specific topics).
Thanks a lot
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