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swiss-list: We're moving: Everything must go!

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swiss-list: We're moving: Everything must go!

From: Staudenmann <click for textversion of email address >
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 22:51:51 -0700
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; U)
Status: RO

Since we are moving back to Switzerland in July, we have a complete
household and two cars for sale.
Everything must go!

Beds (King, Queen, crib) with mattress and sheets; Dining table/4
chairs; kids table; recliner; coffee table; Desk w/drawers
Lots of kids' stuff!
Changing table w/drawers; playpen; stroller; car seat baby; car seat
convertible; sand box; TOYS
Electric stuff:
Halogen lamps; wall/ceiling/desk lamps; phone; TV; washer/dryer;
refrigerator; sewing machine; vacuum; hair dryer
Breadmaker; mixer; toaster; dishes, cutlery, glasses, cups, pots, etc.
Bike; lawn mower; gardening and other tools
Ford Windstar GL Minivan, 1998, loaded, 41k miles
Ford Escort LX Wagon, 1996, loaded, low mileage (27k)
And more...!

If you're interested in anything, please contact me at ph. 229-1597, or
at tomorrow's Swiss Scientist meeting.


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