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Maybe the Swiss should also consider that foreign brains come to Switzerland
because the situation in academia and research is so much worse in their
countries of origin, rather than Switzerland being so attractive in its
own right.
In addition, the statistical fact that the majority of Swiss brains return
to Switzerland, does not mean that academia and research is the reason for
their return.
Maybe they simply can't survive without the sight of the Alps or something.
>-- Original Nachricht --
>Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2003 14:30:34 -0500 (EST)
>From: Stefan Marti <stefanm_at_media.mit.edu>
>To: Michael Rys <mrys_at_microsoft.com>
>cc: yapeter_at_stanford.edu, <swiss-list_at_swiss-list.com>
>Subject: Re: swiss-list: RE: swiss-list: NZZ Online: «Braindrain» aus
> der Schweiz gibt es nicht
>I agree completely with Michael.
>Even more, the article suggests that there is no brain drain because there
>is no 'overall' (net) drain, due to foreign brains actually immigrating
>That's good--but it doesn't mean that there are no Swiss brain workers
>leaving Switzerland permanently for whatever reason! IMHO, there is a
>brain drain going on, and I am not surprised about it.
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Received on Tue Feb 11 2003 - 00:18:21 PST