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swiss-list: Betti Bossi Newsgroups

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swiss-list: Betti Bossi Newsgroups

From: Darius Somary, Chef <click for textversion of email address >
Date: Thu, 8 May 2003 11:46:08 -0700
X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4807.1700

Dear fellow Swiss-listers:

During my latest perusal of Betti Bossi's website I noticed that they have
their own public newsgroups (German only). For those of us getting a little
tired of the "Martha Stewart diet" ;-) and/or who like to keep in touch with
the food, garden and household world back in Switzerland, go check it out. It's
open to the public and free.

By clicking on the links below, the appropriate newsgroups should automaticaly
pop up in your default newsreader i.e. Outlook, Outlook Express, etc. Once the
lists load into your newsreader, don't forget to confirm for each whether you
want to subscribe to it or not. In Outlook Express you can do so by
right-clicking on the group name and selecting "subscribe", resp.
"unsubscribe". Good luck!

By the way, for those interested Betti Bossi also has a free newsletter you can
subscribe to: http://www.bettybossi.ch/shop/D/frm_let.asp

Cheers, __Darius

>From Betti Bossi website (modified):

In vier verschiedenen Foren können Sie sich mit Gleichgesinnten aus aller Welt
austauschen. Wählen Sie das Thema, das Sie anspricht:

- Kochforum - kulinarische Themen: news://www.bettybossi.ch/BettyBossi.Kochforum

- Ernaehrungsforum - Ernährung, Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden: news://www.bettybossi.ch/BettyBossi.Ernaehrungsforum

- Haushaltsforum - Haushalt: news://www.bettybossi.ch/BettyBossi.Haushaltforum

- Immer gruen - Pflanzen: news://www.bettybossi.ch/BettyBossi.Immer-gruen

-- sig. -------
Darius Somary, Head Chef
SpringLoaf Catering
Orinda, CA 94563 USA

Swiss-list mailing list
Received on Thu May 08 2003 - 13:52:33 PDT

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