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I got engaged! (..and now we're thinking about wedding plans and nationality laws)
My fiance has citizenship in Singapore.
I have both a US citizenship and a Swiss citizenship.
The wedding will most likely take place in Hong Kong or in the USA.
I am polling for "already been there [recently!]" experiences and for referrals
to good US immigration lawyers, websites, etc.
This is what I understand FROM A USA POINT OF VIEW:
Form I-129F "Petition for Alien Fiance" (for non-US person who marries US citizen on US soil)
Form I-130 "Petition for Alien Relative" (for non-US person who marries US citizen outside of US territory)
==> I am looking for more details, timelines, costs, comparisons, recognition of marriage licenses in various states, etc
This is what I understand FROM A SWISS POINT OF VIEW:
I read the "Marrying Abroad" article on p.12 of the March 2003 Swiss Review. This article points to:
==> While this posts forms and instructions, the process seems relatively straightforward as far as paperwork is concerned, but I would be curious to understand the approximate length of time required to process all the paperwork successfully.
Thanks in advance for your advice and recent experiences...
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Received on Tue Nov 04 2003 - 02:45:15 PST