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Thanks a lot for your detailed answer. That helps. Also, thanks to others
who answered. I got some good advice and learned some things that I did not
know. Maybe I'll send a summary after a bit.
I assume the max Swiss tax rate you mentioned roughly includes Swiss canton
and federal taxes, and, both are generally are allowed as foreign tax
If we move, I'm assuming she'd lose the green card anyway unless we did
something to actively keep it, return once a year, etc?
Also, can my wife apply for US citizenship abroad, even if we are now
longer living in the US? I'm told that Switzerland would allow me to apply
for Swiss citizenship after a certain # of years of marriage, even though
we aren't living there. If the US allows this also, we may just put this
off for now.
Received on Thu May 17 2007 - 11:53:09 PDT