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Dear fellow Swiss-Listers,
Here's the scoop: After several years in the US, I'm returning to my native Switzerland. I do have a US Green Card.
- Has anyone out there made the same move? What was your experience, especially regarding US-taxation, Swiss taxation, AHV/AVS, etc.?
- As far as I understand, as long as I'm considered a US resident, I may have to pay taxes to the US, potentially on income already taxed in Switzerland. Is this correct? I'm very open to the idea of returning my Green Card to avoid this.
- What's the best way to deal with a US 401(k) when leaving the US? Just rolling it over into a IRA and keeping it there until I hit retirement age?
- What taxes, esp. back taxes do I have to expect from Swiss authorities? I once heard that I may be liable for military service missed due to my stay abroad. Is this correct?
Thanks for any clues,
--Received on Mon Jun 04 2007 - 07:35:13 PDT